Unleash Your Greatness Within

President-Elect Trump is a master at the art of "style-flexing." Learn how to communication and sell like a professional. Learn how to have maximum influence on others by adjusting your communication style to match that of the prospect.

Direct download: Donald_Trump-Master_Style-Flexor.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 6:08pm PST

What are you filling your mind with? Are you nourished or starving? Are you happy and fulfilled? What people really need is less information and more nourishment - wisdom. Discover your true nature by regularly taking the time to nourish your soul?

Direct download: TJ_Hoisington-Nourishment.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 4:37pm PST

TJ Hoisington shares several core steps to achieving your goals.

Direct download: Live1-Audio-Final2_converted.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 7:37pm PST

30 years ago there was a Time Magazine article titled, "The ME Generation" and 30 years later the magazine came out with the follow-up and titled it the "ME ME ME Generation". Get outside yourself and seek to serve others! No one gets to the top by themselves. I share a story I first heard by the legendary Og Mandino when he share the story about Albrecht Dürer and his brother. "No One Gets to the TOP by Themselves." Happiness comes as we unselfishly seek to serve others.

Direct download: Me_Me_Me_Generation.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 10:11pm PST

One evening, I (TJ Hoisington) was sitting in a meeting with several hundred people in attendance. As I listened to the speakers and heard their stories, I was touched. Thoughts of “Things that Matter” started to flood my mind. After the meeting, as I was driving home, I decided to quickly stop by the studio and record what was on my mind. The message in this video has to do with HAPPINESS. Where does happiness come from? What will bring you more happiness and peace? All too often we seek after superficial things as the source of happiness - but it’s an illusion.

People chase after the things of this world only to find that they are living empty lives. Ultimately, people want to be happy, but often they are looking in the wrong places. Below are a few “truths” I share in this video:

“Things Are Soulless”
– Anchor yourself to higher values
– As you chase your dreams, don’t lose sight of what is most important
– Be humble
– Be quick to forgive and forget
–Love and serve people
– Say, “I love you!" more often


Direct download: Thing_Are_Soulless.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:44pm PST

Fear is an illusion! Go from where you are today to where you want to be by embracing your fears and stretching beyond your current comfort zones. Develop "purpose" and "meaning" is vital for lifelong success!

Direct download: Grow_Beyond_Your_Fears_and_Comfort_Zones.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:42pm PST

Recently, TJ Hoisington was a guest on a large conference call when he shared nine success distinctions that make a difference in your level of achievement. This recording was a live recording. The "9 D’s of Success” include – Desire, Define, Decide, Dwell, Drive, Discipline, Discomfort, Dominate, and Determination.

Direct download: 9Ds-Success.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 6:38pm PST