Unleash Your Greatness Within

BOOK GIVEAWAY!!! I am looking for reviews of my audiobook, “Return to Robinson Island" - the official Swiss Family Robinson sequel. If you are interested, indicate your interest in the comments section below. Our team will randomly select 5 people in the coming days. Winners will receive a link to download the audiobook from Audible.com. I will ALSO send you a signed copy of the hardcover book, as a THANK YOU! ALL FOR FREE!!!

Go to my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TJHoisington/

*If you are interested in reviewing the Hardcover BOOK ONLY, please indicate. In such case, we may go BEYOND the 5-person limit.

1) You agree to provide a review on Amazon and Audible within two weeks. Preferably a positive review 🤪💥👍
2) You must have an Amazon.com and Audible.com account to download the audiobook and leave a review.
3) If you are selected as one of the 5 participants, we will contact you via private Facebook message.

The book is 416 pages. Historical/Fiction. Adventure/Suspense/Romance. For more information, visit www.SwissFamilyRobinson.com

Direct download: Swiss-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 10:13am PST

I’m out of my comfort zone on this one. I debated whether not to do this podcast, but with the recent school shootings, I felt I needed to say something. It's DEEP! It’s crazy that these unfortunate tragedies keep happening in America. Where do we go from here? What are the causes? What are possible solutions? I think we all need to be open-minded and take a balanced approach for the sake of our children and society at large. Something needs to be done! Security, safety, and liberty hang in the balance.

Direct download: Gun-liberty-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 1:26am PST

"If You Think You Can!" was written to help you achieve your goals and dreams. With over 100,000 copies goals and 5-Star reviews, it's a great reminder of what it takes to be a high achiever. Order NOW! Thank you!

Direct download: If_You_think_You_Can.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 5:30am PST

There are two types of people in life: 1) those who wait for evidence that their goals will work before they take the first step, and 2) those who rely on the evidence of their faith. If I had waited for the evidence that I "could" write books, I probably would have never written one—let alone four. One of the mysteries of life is trusting that one's efforts will pay off, while ignoring the momentary or repeated setbacks. Achieving goals takes patience and faith in one's ideas. Don't wait for evidence before you start taking action. Start by taking action, and the answers will unfold before your eyes. Trust the unknown. Trust the process. Take actions toward living your dreams starting today!

Direct download: Urgency-podcast-final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 11:51am PST

It's 8:30 PM, and as a family, we just finished watching the movie, "Wonder," written by Jack Thorne. The film stars were Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, and Jacob Tremblay... Wow; so many great life principles. As I was watching the movie, I quickly felt tender. Thoughts and reflections started running through my mind, and I thought it would be meaningful to share some of these thoughts with you, as they might be meaningful to you as well. Thoughtfully enjoy.

Direct download: Wonder-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 11:52pm PST

Follow-Up (part #2)... "How Beliefs Shape Your Life." Discover 'state of mind' and the apparatus human beings possess to determine reality. You share your reality by the way you think! Think BIG!!!

Check out "How to Think Like a High Achiever": https://youtu.be/kKvg58Fc8Es

Direct download: Belief2-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 7:30am PST

In this Podcast (part #1), I go HEAVY and DEEP (technical). I am speaking to a sales team about how beliefs determine results in life and business. Beliefs are the EMBRYO of ALL ACHIEVEMENT! Beliefs can build, and they can destroy. The great thing about being a human being is with correct tools and a strong desire, limiting beliefs can be changed for the better. Change Your beliefs, change your life!

Direct download: Belief1-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 11:08am PST

Achieving any goal, dream, idea -- even overcoming obstacles -- takes passion, leadership, unorthodox ideas, and an irreverence for the status quo. You've got to think both BIG and DIFFERENTLY, and there are few people more qualified to talk about these principles than Hap Klopp.

Join me as I interview the founder of the Northface Company, Hap Klopp. Discover what it takes to live your passions and achieve success.

Hap Klopp is also the author of several books including, "The Adventure of Leadership" and "Conquering the North Face."

Direct download: Hap_Klopp-2018-Final2.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 1:19pm PST

The one critical factor that separates the high achiever from the low achiever is 'demanding the best from yourself.' In my book, “If You Think You Can!," this is Law #2. Like Michael Jordan and Elton John, demanding greatness from yourself is a key principle when it comes to success. Where do you need to give more than you currently do? Where do you coast when you should be hustling? What 'fundamentals' do you need to review again and again to maintain the competitive edge?

Watch YouTube video: https://youtu.be/SZ2DX0gU49c

Direct download: Demand-Podacast-Final_converted.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:10am PST

In this Podcast, TJ Hoisington shares some thoughts about "potential" and "limitations." TJ shares an example regarding the Olympics and breaking records. Records are broken every four years. Where have you gotten stuck?

You have more potential than you’ll EVER tap. Your potential is unlimited! Make the decision today to unleash your greatness within! Defy the odds! Face your fears! Create your own breakthrough! Break your own records! Release the brakes!

Watch the YouTube video: https://youtu.be/XdVVbEp0AzE

Direct download: Potential-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 7:06pm PST