Unleash Your Greatness Within

What is the one thing you need to know about achieving your goals? It's called, "P.A.M." "P.A.M." will multiply your performance and maximize your potential more than education, skills or talents alone. P.A.M. is the invisible substance that moves mountains. It enables you to make quantum leaps. It's the source of unlimited energy. What is "P.A.M."? Discover this POWERFUL FORCE.

TJ Hoisington shares how he was able to write a 416-page novel without ever reading a novel in his life. TJ describes how this powerful force enabled him to learn and speak Chinese. Listen NOW!

Direct download: Pam-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 5:30am PST

We EXPECT GREATNESS from our children. In this podcast, I share insights about how my wife and I have chosen to raise our children. I hope that by sharing some of our parenting principles and strategies, it might be beneficial to you. I share 13 Principles for creating healthy relationships and a pattern of excellence. Wait till you hear about some of our "extreme" standards. It's BOLD. It has WORKED, so far – because LOVE ALWAYS WINS!!!

Direct download: Parent-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 5:30am PST

I interview Robert Spector in this new podcast episode! Robert Spector is the bestselling author of “The Norstrom’s Way." He is a leader in the area of customer service and has even been called, "America's preeminent retail historian." Join me as we discuss aspects of creating customers excellence, including and one of my favorite concepts of, “Love Wins."

Direct download: Robert-Spector-2018-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 8:33am PST

Your limitations or not external, they are within! In this podcast, I show you how to Close the Performance Gap. It’s true you have enormous potential, but how do you unleash it? How can you reduce fear and anxiety? What is the key to increasing confidence? I also share how to taking advantage of the enormous energy that lives in the space between where you ARE and where you want to BE. As my friend and co-author, Bob Moawad, once said, "All limitations are mental and self-imposed.”

Direct download: Performance-Gap-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 5:30am PST

Sometime back, I was asked to be a guest on a national conference call with LegalShield, Inc. The top producer in the business, Dave Savula asked me to inspire his team and share some concepts around success and achieving greatness! And this podcast I share 9 PRINCIPLES of SUCCESS.

Watch the YouTube video here:

Direct download: LegalShield-2018-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 10:22am PST

Recently, I was speaking a sales team, and as part of the training, I shared Eight Habits of Highly Successful Salespeople. If you are a sales professional or even a leader in ANY capacity, apply these eight principles, and you will be more effective. How does confidence play a role and how can you create confidence? Learn how Conrad Hilton turned a bankrupt motel into the Hilton Hotels empire in a matter of a few short years. How does the “slight edge“ play a role when it comes to high-performance selling? And more...



Direct download: 8-Habits-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:41am PST

I was asked to be the keynote speaker and after I spoke there was a gathering with a "question and answer" period. During this discussion, I shared with the audience the first book I ever read. I was then asked what was the most significant adversity or setback I faced in business or in life and how I overcame it. I talked quickly about, the "B.S.A. Results Formula. I also shared that, "my biggest breakthroughs often came times in my darkest moment." Toward the end, we got WAY OFF track, but we thought we’d included anyway. LOL. Enjoy!
*P.S. My apologies for the poor audio.

Direct download: QA-Final2.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 10:15am PST

In this “Success Interview,“ I’m privileged to have as my guest, former NFL player Eric Boles. He is a friend and colleague. Over the years we’ve worked with several organizations together to help unleash the greatness within. In this podcast, we talk a lot about what makes organizations thrive. Eric Boles also talks about what the NFL taught him about high performance and how it relates to business and much more.

Direct download: Eric-Boles-2018-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 4:30am PST