Unleash Your Greatness Within

Check out my latest "Success Interview" with Stu Massengill. Stu is a young achiever and high-performance trainer with Tony Robbins. In this interview, we talk about "following your heart and finding your dream life." It was fun for me as I listened to Stu – as it took me back several years when I was climbing the ladder of success. Stu has a great story and energy. Enjoy the conversation! • Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/EenH_wQTxPw

Direct download: Stu-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 10:51pm PST

Check out my latest "Success Interview" with Skye Fagrell. Skye is the founder of "More Fit 4 Life" and bestselling author of "More Fit 4 the Kingdom." "More Fit 4 the Kingdom" outlines how physical strength training principles can be utilized to gain spiritual strength. In this interview, we talk about achieving your goals and living a principled-centered life. Skye shares many insights related to high performance, leadership, family success, and happiness!
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-gC3THKJdQU

Direct download: Skye-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:30am PST

It was an accident! One day, when I was fifteen years old, I was snooping around on my father's dresser looking for money. I didn't find any money, but what I found was priceless. What I found changed my life! It changed my outlook and belief about money and making a fortune. Watch as I share my story and a clip from my first teacher, the business philosopher – Jim Rohn.
• Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/e0chuVHrlLM
#JimRohn #Wealth #MakeAFortune #Mindset #Abundance #Money #Success #TJHoisingtonPodcast 

Direct download: Jim-Rohn-Podcast-Final2.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 11:30am PST

Check out my latest "Success Interview" with Krister Ungerböck. Krister is the author of, "22 Talk SHIFTs: Tools to Transform Leadership in Business, in Partnership, and in Life." At age 42, Krister was CEO of the largest family-owned software companies in the world–leading the company to over 3,000% revenue growth. It's time to shift the leadership conversation. In this interview, we discuss leadership principles and specific communication strategies to increase your connection with people.
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/fwgpgDpDvGc

Direct download: Krister-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 7:30am PST

Who do you need to FORGIVE? Who have you been blaming for your misery? Unleash your greatness within by taking responsibility for every aspect of your life, i.e., your health, emotions, spirituality, relationships, career, happiness. You have a choice right now. Take a stand. Who are you going to BE - given all the good and bad you've experienced? Your greatest power is to choose your own destiny, failure, and limitations. Take ownership of your life without blaming ANYONE! List to New York Times Bestselling author, Gary John Bishop @garyjohnbishop, who was a guest on my podcast!
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JvKTI1-xZXw

Direct download: Bishop-Forgive-Podcast-FINAL.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:30am PST

There are many voices constantly vying to be heard. Which ones do you listen to and follow? There are true, universal principles that consistently lead to safety, peace, happiness, and fulfillment. Living these principles and virtues will improve your life and enable you and a company to thrive and grow exponentially at all levels. Imagine what the world would be like if we all operated by these ten virtues once noted by Gordon B Hinckley.
• What on YouTube: https://youtu.be/RRJ4Mgupfgc

Direct download: Virtue-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Check out my latest "Success Interview" with Carey Lohrenz – U.S. Navy's first female F-14 Tomcat fighter pilot. Carey is the author of the bestselling book, "Fearless Leadership." In this interview, we discussed leadership principles at all levels. Carey also shares what it's like to perform under immense pressure as a fighter pilot and what those experiences taught her about Fearless Leadership. Enjoy the conversation and learn how to become a fearless leader. Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/whW0_wIQdYo

Direct download: Carey-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 6:30am PST

Check out my latest “Success Interview” with Jason Harris on my podcast. Jason Harris is the CEO and president of Mekanism - one of the fastest growing and most successful creative agencies. He is also the author of “The Soulful Art of Persuasion,“ where Jason highlights 11 habits you need to be more authentically-or soulfully – persuasive. Become a master with storytelling and persuasion! Enjoy the conversation! • Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6RA-e-mTadE

Direct download: Jason-Podcast-FINAL.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 5:30am PST

When I was reading Jason Harris's book, "The Soulful Art Persuasion," I came across a STORY and RESEARCH that brings to light the importance of leaders showing RESPECT. Also, to all leaders and managers, there is a constant balance between two important leadership traits. What are they? "Enforcement" and "Compassion." In order to have influence as a leader, you must strike an equal balance between both traits. Let me explain! Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TCxz4tAKF6g

Direct download: Respect-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 11:16am PST

If you're old enough to remember, where were you on 911? I thought in this quick message; I would share with you where I was on September 11, 2001. May we use today as a reminder to focus on the good. Keep in mind - Paul Harvey once said, "In times like these, remember there have always been times like these." We got through 911, and we will get through COVID-19. Be a force for good. Be kind. Be respectful. Focus on the 99% of what we have in common rather than focusing on the 1% that makes us different.
#911 #NeverForget #Compassion #Kindness #ForeverStrong #GreatnessWithin

Direct download: 911-podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 1:25pm PST

Family Update. Get My Book for FREE*. Hard Work. True Principles. Leadership. Politics. Be Happy. Understanding Self-Worth. Listen More. *Thank You - Neil Cavuto, Fox News, and Billionaire, David Rubenstein.
• Get my FREE Book: https://bit.ly/3hSOPG5

Direct download: Life-Hardwork-TJ-Hoisington-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 6:00am PST

Check out my latest podcast, "Success Interview," with Kathy Caprino on the Unleash Your Greatness Within podcast! Kathy Caprino is an author, therapist, thought-leader, leadership coach, LinkedIn Influencer, and Forbes Senior Contributor. In this interview, we discussed the idea of "the most powerful you." Kathy shares many life-changing insights–particularly focused on women in the workplace. Unleash Your Greatness Within!
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/X35_hErqXds

Direct download: Kathy-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 5:30am PST

Check out my latest podcast, “Success Interview,” with Bill Perkins. @billperkins made his fortune as an energy trader and is recognized for his glamorous and extravagant lifestyle, high-stakes poker games, and outrageous novelty wagers. In this interview, Bill shares how to maximize your money and live a life of purpose. Watch, as Bill Perkins shares how to Die with Zero and Live Your Dream Life. Insightful!
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/I6JEaFGaxgE


Direct download: Bill-Perkins-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 8:30am PST

Check out my latest podcast, "Success Interview!" I had the privilege of interviewing world-renowned speaker Ronny Leber. Ronny Leber has an amazing story and insights on what it means to have a growth mindset. Ronny has passion and class! Watch or listen to the interview as he shares stories of the professional athletes, celebrities, and high achievers; he's been privileged to associate with and what secrets of success they share! Ronny gives you insights on High Performance Mindset and How to Create Your Dream Life.
• Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/rT_xpL9T2EA

Direct download: Ronny-Leber-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 6:30am PST

How do you respond when someone asks, "How are you doing today?" Listen to Bob Moawad as he shares his typical response - even when he's not feeling great! This is a "slight edge" principle." You always have a choice in how you respond! Choose wisely! Listen to Bob sing toward the end of the video! #slightedge #bobmoawad
• Get you Copy Here: https://amzn.to/2YXdOks
• Watch video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_ySN41P_UMw


Direct download: Bob_Moawad-Secret-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 11:13am PST

Want to strengthen your marriage? What is marriage, and with an ever-increasing divorce rate, how can you protect your marriage? In this "Success Interview," I was privileged to interview Tod Jacobs and Peter Lynn, authors of the book, "It's Not a Partnership." Learn as we discuss proven ways to strengthen your marriage and all types of relationships. It was a pleasure to have Tod and Peter on the "Unleash Your Greatness Within" podcast! Thought-provoking! You will be edified!
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/rJvRBq9Ht1g
•Get your copy of "It's Not a Partnership": https://amzn.to/31oajFi

Direct download: Partnership1-PODAST-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 6:30am PST

Today, as I was writing my new book, I turned on cable news to see Senator Tim Scott @SenatorTimScott on the "daily briefing "with Dana Perino @DanaPerino. I turned up the volume to hear with Senator Tim Scott had to say, and it touched me deeply. I'm an emotional guy, and Senator Scott's message really touched my very core!

Senator Scott told a story about how his mother raised him and his brother. His message is that the REAL difference-maker is about the importance of education and imagination. He also emphasized what his mother taught from an early age, "If we blame everyone else for where we are, we never get to move forward." Powerful!

I then share a quick video of Nazi concentration camp survivor, Victor Frankel. This should be the primary message that will create lasting change and increase personal fulfillment: "Reach for the stars and improve your mindset." This is the only sure way to create the future we all want. Stop blaming!

Thank you to Senator Tim Scott's mother for teaching her children a true and universal principle. Thank you to all parents, teachers, and leaders who inspire us to stretch beyond what we believe is possible, and shun a "victim" mindset. Adopting a victor and abundance mindset is the only sustainable way forward that elevates all individuals, families, homes, schools, churches, communities, and a nation.

• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/SPpVUvGEdUc

Direct download: Tim-Scott-PODCAST-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 8:15pm PST

Several years ago, I co-authored the book, "The Secret of the Slight Edge," with early thought-leader in the area of personal development. His name is Bob Moawad! In this video, I share the experience I was privileged to have as I worked with Bob writing when his health took a turn for the worse, and he was bedridden 24 hours per day. On a weekly basis, I would come to his home, sit next to him, and discuss success principles! As I reflect on this experience, I continue to be in "awe" of having the opportunity to learn from Bob Moawad. Amazing man and teacher! Enjoy!

• Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/_JN5rUuAy_o

Direct download: Bob-Moawad-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 9:19pm PST

Recently, I was privileged to interview professional speaker and speaking coach, Patricia Fripp, on the “Unleash Your Greatness Within” podcast. Patricia has been speaking for over 40 years, and she was the first female president of the National Speakers Association. In the interview, Patricia shared many speaking tips that can help you become a better presenter. Patricia also uses me as an example of telling better stories. The speaking tips are solid!
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ksYj87nMDBU

Direct download: Fripp-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 3:23pm PST

In this "Success Interview," I had the privilege of interviewing Sean Covey. Sean is the son of legendary author Stephen R. Covey, president of FranklinCovey Education and a New York Times bestselling author. It was great to discuss “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” 30th Anniversary version of his father's legendary and groundbreaking book. In this interview, Sean shares insights into each of the 7 Habits with personal stories and insights that will change your life!
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/MRWZW-M7qBg

Direct download: Sean-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 6:03am PST

In my latest podcast, "Success Interview" with Dr. Demartini, we went DEEP! We talked about life and achievement. What limiting beliefs do you have that are limiting you? Dr. Demartini begins by sharing his life story and the secrets he has learned about the Law of Attraction, Life, and how to find Inner-Peace. Dr. Demartini is a seeker of "knowledge" and "bestselling author" of dozens of books who started as the dumb kid in class and went on the become a leading thought-leader. He even appeared in the blockbuster book and movie, titled, "The Secret." Expect to be BLOWN AWAY!

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YcNji13tHBY

Direct download: Demartini-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 6:30am PST

In this "Success Interview" with John Assaraf, we talk about the mindset of a billionaire. John Assaraf is a New York Times Bestselling author and also an ultra-successful businessman having built several multi-million dollar companies. As one of the contributors in the global blockbuster book and movie, "The Secret," John Assaraf knows how to apply the law of attraction to get anything you want. Listen to John's story as he shares the one question he was forced to answer that changed his life. In this interview, John Assaraf tells his story toward achieving wealth, and he shares subconscious and mindset strategies you can use to upgrade your thinking and win!
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/KdHhaWDbJJw

Direct download: John_Assaraf_Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:13am PST

In this video, from 2017, I had an experience in the grocery line. I was kind to the people in the line, and they blessed me with kindness back. What language do you speak? What phrases do you often repeat internally or externally? Are you scarcity-minded, or do you have an abundance mindset? Do you believe in the concept of a "self-fulfilling prophecy?" Through life, I've always found myself gravitating toward believers – believers in POSSIBILITIES!
YouTube: https://youtu.be/NEaXhPqaoOg

Direct download: Positive-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 4:03pm PST

Feeling discontent and worried about the future? Having feelings of uncertainty or fear? Here’s a quick thought on a life truth around the power of THOUGHTS and the LAW OF ATTRACTION. Your life and your emotional health are primarily governed by how you THINK. “As A Man Thinketh.”

My advice? 
1. There is power in “being.” Be still and know who you are. Have faith in yourself in the future.
2. Control what you are focusing on. Problems or solutions?
3. Feed your mind with inspiration and goodness. You can do this by reading books, watching motivational videos, and engaging in positive conversations.
4. Large or small, take action toward meaningful goals.

You have more power than you think. Your future is determined by your choices today. Believe in yourself. I Unleash Your Greatness Within!
#lawofattraction #tjhoisingtonpodcast #paradigmshift #powerofthoughts #asamanthinketh #mindset #smile

Direct download: Thinketh-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 4:27pm PST

This is an audio clip from 20 years ago taken from my program titled "The Power to Shape Your Life." In this clip, I share seven steps to get anything you want. The principles are still true today! To learn more about high-performance principles, SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TEn1utwdAZI

Direct download: 7-Steps-SYL-2.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 5:45am PST

Early in my career, I read a short book titled "You?," by Price Pritchett. It was a short book on the art of getting results through quantum leaps. The principles are still true today! In this video, I dive into the book and share many of the core principles contained therein. Powerful concepts and principles! Toward the end of the video, I also share an experience I had with leadership expert Ken Blanchard, which led to him being one of the first guests on my "Unleash Your Greatness Within" podcast.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/q50c6-4Hseo

Direct download: Prtchett-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 12:29pm PST

Law #3: Demand the Best from Yourself! If you want to achieve more, you must BECOME MORE and DO MORE. Passive energy and mediocre performance prevent one from achieving results! Even if you are quarantined due to the coronavirus, find ways to be more productive, effective, and disciplined!

This is an audio clip from 15 years ago, and it’s also a chapter in “If You Think You Can!” Enjoy!
#IfYouThinkYouCan #TJHoisingtonPodcast #DemandTheBest #RaiseYourStandards #lawofattraction #coronavirus #achievement #goals

Direct download: Law3-Audio.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:29pm PST

Anytime you go through a hard time, your perceptions have a huge effect on your mental health, happiness, your performance, and effectiveness. Looking beyond this moment, having faith that the future will turn out good is what allows people to wade through challenging times with ease - and even a cheerful heart. Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs both had a winner's mindset. Master the art of interpretation.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_092BWYnhBc

Direct download: Thomas-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 12:07pm PST

Do you know the beginning of antiseptic procedures - even before the "germ theory" was established by Louis Pasteur? Here is a quick thought about the importance of washing your hands and spreading germs discovered by Hungarian, Ignaz Semmelweis. Given the coronavirus or any virus for that matter, germs are powerful. As a result of the death of a good friend and colleague in 1847, Ignaz Semmelweis discovered the possibility of "particles," which would later be called "germs." Stay healthy and wash your hands.
Watch on YouTube:

Direct download: Germ-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:08pm PST

During coronavirus confinement, as I've been watching the news, it seems quite negative. No surprise, right? Many news outlets are condemning President Trump for being too optimistic regarding bringing the coronavirus pandemic to a close. Is it possible to be too optimistic? Absolutely! But there is also a liability being too pessimistic or "real. "In this video, I show you scientifically the balance between optimism and your ability to analyze pitfalls. There is a way to measure these attributes and behavior. To the media, I say: "Try to focus on more of the positive. Stop seeking perfection and creating division and instead participate in working as a "team" to benefit the American people." Contact us if you're interested in high-level performance coaching! info@greatnesswithin.com
Watch on YouTube:

Direct download: Optimism-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 1:53am PST

The news is reporting 1.5 Billion people worldwide are confined in their homes. Here are 9 Strategies for Making the Best of Coronavirus Quarantine. This scenario poses many concerns and difficulties - both physically and emotionally. These 9 Strategies will help you THRIVE during confinement. Unleash Your Greatness Within! Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZdkeMs0bLvk

Direct download: 9Steps-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 11:51am PST

There is one CONSTANT that never changes, and that is "change" itself. Are you ready? In today's Success Interview, I was privileged to interview the New York Times bestselling author and futurist, Jeremy Gutsche. In this interview, we talk about mindset, recognizing future trends, and being adaptable. We also talk about how to embrace change and create your dream life. Listen as Jeremy shares how you can create your future now! Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/p_z8-P2yOE0

Direct download: Jeremy-Gutsche-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 5:30am PST

Turn on the news or the media, and you will witness some exaggerated reactions regarding COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. That's not to say that the Coronavirus isn't a serious issue, It Is. There are going to be more unnerving updates to come. But keep in mind that some media outlets are participating in driving the FEAR (possibly for ratings) rather than helping the public managed the crisis effectively. There's a lot of hype, pandering, and biased political decision-making. If you didn't know better, you would think the world is coming to an end.

Watch Video:

My suggestion is that we take the Coronavirus seriously and do all that we can to limit the spread of the virus and protect our own health.

I suggest that you RESPOND calmly and responsibly, rather OVERREACT. Be careful what you dwell on. "Fear thoughts" can become "self-fulfilling prophecies." Watch the FULL VIDEO. In this video, I read from the classic book, "The Magic of Believing," by Claude Bristol. We have seen these days before...and we have more POWER as human beings that we think.

Be wise. Know your limits and your capacities. Realistically, it will likely get worse before it gets better. Prepare reasonably for what may come, but don't go overboard. New information is coming out daily. It's fast and fluid. Be informed, but respond thoughtfully. Don't panic—separate logic from emotion.

Note: We are in a campaign season, and the political parties and media could do much good to help calm the fears rather than inflame them.

Stay healthy. Stay strong. Stay grateful. Trust that "this too shall pass."

Direct download: Coronavirus-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 6:39pm PST

Stop exaggerating failures, mistakes, or negative circumstances unless you want to dive headfirst into despair. Using your imagination, SHRINK the problems in your life and ENLARGE the possibility of things turning out better in the future. Too many people dwell on the negative, and it becomes a "self-fulfilling prophecy." Watch as I explain this high-performance mindset strategy.

Direct download: Exaggerate-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 5:30am PST

Listen to (or watch) today's "Success Interview." I was privileged to interview the world's Top Mental Conditioning Coach, Trevor Moawad. Sports Illustrated magazine calls Trevor Moawad, "The world's best brain trainer." Trevor is the author of the new bestselling released book titled, "It Takes What It Takes." Trevor has worked legendary athletes, such as Russell Wilson, Drew Brees, Serna Williams, including NCAA Teams and Special Forces, helping them optimized a peak performance mindset. Trevor Moawad and TJ Hoisington get real talking about the mindset of a high performer and how to gain a competitive edge through 'neutral thinking.'
Watch Video: https://youtu.be/BFo3-Xm9j5k

Direct download: Trevor_Moawad_TJ_Hoisington_Podcast_Final3.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 5:06am PST

Have you ever struggled with the same thing Taylor Swift has struggled with? One thing that can limit your happiness is attaching what you DO who you really ARE...your innate worth. Seeking constant APPROVAL is an illusion that limits true happiness! In the latest Netflix Documentary, Taylor Swift shares a powerful lesson. Take it to heart and apply it to your own life!
Watch Video:

Direct download: Taylor-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 4:31pm PST

In today's "Success Interview," I was privileged to interview Whitney Johnson (@johnsonwhitney), the bestselling author of "Disrupt Yourself." Whitney has been named one of the WORLDS TOP 50 Business Thinkers, and she delivers in this interview! Not only does she dive deep into the S-Curve Framework for reaching higher levels of performance and leadership, but we also discuss deeply enriching subjects that are certain to MOVE you. Whitney is an award-winning author and popular contributor to the Harvard Business Review. With over 1.7 million followers on LinkedIn, her ideas are thought-provoking and actionable. -Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/6qzHUxlxZvk

Direct download: Whitney_Johnson_Podcast.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 4:30am PST

Listen to this special podcast message for you…and Thank You!

Direct download: Thank-You-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 6:00am PST

While reading an article about Mark Wahlberg @markwahlberg in this month's issue of @Entrepreneur magazine, it conjured up many thoughts about High-Achievement, so I did a quick video to share my thoughts. The power of Discipline and Focus. Make your dreams come true!
Watch YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/-gTHIbs8zWk

Direct download: Mark-Wahlberg-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 2:28pm PST

In this quick podcast message, I share the example Og Mandino once shared, of eight very successful financiers in U.S History who achieved success but lost everything in the process. The purpose of this message is to remind you to "put first things first." What really matters?

Direct download: Og-Mandino-Happiness-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 6:13am PST

In today's "Success Interview, "I was privileged to interview the author of "Success Mindsets," Ryan Gottfredson. Insightful interview on the way we perceive our world not only affects our happiness but has a direct impact on what we achieve and what makes us effective. Listen as we discuss the different types of mindsets and determine what your "mindset' might be. In the end, you'll discover tools to begin changing your mindset for the better.

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/79cuodyqOOY

Direct download: Ryan-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:47am PST

In today's "Success Interview," I was privileged to interview Inclusion and Diversity expert, Jennifer Brown. Jennifer Brown is the author of the leadership book, titled: "How to Be An Inclusive Leader." The interview is thought-provoking, informational, and inspirational. Jennifer and I talked frankly about gender orientation, respect, kindness for all people, and how leaders can create Inclusive Cultures where EVERYONE THRIVES!
Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/nZcIRuLIVTM

Direct download: Podcast-Final2.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:25am PST