Thu, 20 February 2020
Stop exaggerating failures, mistakes, or negative circumstances unless you want to dive headfirst into despair. Using your imagination, SHRINK the problems in your life and ENLARGE the possibility of things turning out better in the future. Too many people dwell on the negative, and it becomes a "self-fulfilling prophecy." Watch as I explain this high-performance mindset strategy.
Tue, 11 February 2020
Listen to (or watch) today's "Success Interview." I was privileged to interview the world's Top Mental Conditioning Coach, Trevor Moawad. Sports Illustrated magazine calls Trevor Moawad, "The world's best brain trainer." Trevor is the author of the new bestselling released book titled, "It Takes What It Takes." Trevor has worked legendary athletes, such as Russell Wilson, Drew Brees, Serna Williams, including NCAA Teams and Special Forces, helping them optimized a peak performance mindset. Trevor Moawad and TJ Hoisington get real talking about the mindset of a high performer and how to gain a competitive edge through 'neutral thinking.'
Direct download: Trevor_Moawad_TJ_Hoisington_Podcast_Final3.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 5:06am PST
Mon, 10 February 2020
Have you ever struggled with the same thing Taylor Swift has struggled with? One thing that can limit your happiness is attaching what you DO who you really ARE...your innate worth. Seeking constant APPROVAL is an illusion that limits true happiness! In the latest Netflix Documentary, Taylor Swift shares a powerful lesson. Take it to heart and apply it to your own life!