Unleash Your Greatness Within

Don't be like a caterpillar. As you'll discover in this video, processionary caterpillars don't get off the beaten path to find better opportunities around them. Take off your blinders and get out of your comfort zone!  In our personal lives and even company cultures, there's a tendency not to question the status quo. To keep doing things and repeating the past because, "That's the way we've always done it." This is the recipe for failure.

What's the answer? Question the status quo. Decide to go from GOOD - to BETTER - to BEST! Hold yourself to the highest standard and live life to the fullest! As the old proverb states, "Don't go where the path may lead, go with there is no path and leave a trail."
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JZ66ke_egPA

Direct download: Caterpillar-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 11:15am PST

While interviewing fighter pilot and bestselling author Carey Lorenz, we talked about people who get defensive when receiving feedback. Rather than get defensive, ask yourself, "Is there truth in what someone is saying?" Sometimes there is merit, and other times, one should be wary of who it is coming from and their agenda? Are they qualified to be giving such feedback? Even if they are not necessarily "qualified," is it possible that the information is true and could be beneficial?

Either way, as you seek to be more effective, consider the information with curiosity rather than rejecting it out of hand. How could the new information benefit your life by you making an adjustment in thoughts or actions? Embracing feedback is a sign of someone who has high self-esteem and a feeling of self-worth. Be humble and smile! #feedback #embracefeedback #leadership #attitude #defensive #feedback
Subscribe to TJ's Podcast: https://apple.co/3ligOS9
Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/RNMv3-himSM


Direct download: Defensive-Podcast-2021.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 1:21pm PST

Have you ever thought about writing a book and becoming a bestselling author? In today’s “Success Interview,” I was privileged to interview fellow publisher Jesse Krieger. Jesse helps aspirational authors write and publish books. In this podcast interview, we share hidden secrets that have made our own writing careers a success and help others do the same. Enjoy the interview as we go behind the scene to give you the tools, strategies, and principles to guarantee your book a success.
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/A_h-4LBA1A0

Direct download: Jesse2-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 7:00am PST

A blast from the past! I found an audio file from 20 years ago. I recorded it when I was promoting my transformation seminar titled "The Power to Shape Your Life." If you know my story, that was a humbling time for me during the beginning years of building my business. Fortunately, I never stopped believing and continued to apply the principles, and as a result, I've been blessed to live my dreams and serve others in the process. They are timeless principles. They've always worked! Apply them TODAY!

Direct download: TJ-Hoisington-the-power-to-shape-your-life-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 5:59pm PST