Unleash Your Greatness Within

I hope you are reaching for the stars with this one caveat. The "things" in your life won't bring you rich and sustained happiness. Don't get me wrong; I LIKE NICE THINGS! There is nothing wrong with wanting nice things (well, unless they take precedent over more important things). Nice things often make life more convenient on many different levels – one of which is a pleasure. However, this feeling of pleasure is fleeting. "Things are soulless."  Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/37fXQ7Ll6Bc

I have found that sustained fulfillment and happiness come from those things much closer to the heart, i.e., family, belief in a higher power, friends, service (contribution), personal growth, overcoming challenges. As you strive for greater success in your life, anchor yourself to life's deeper values. Re-center your life and behaviors on the things that really matter.  Experiment with my words. People matter. Love wins!

#happiness #lovewins #truehappiness #glamour #personaldevelopment #throwback

Direct download: Happiness-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:21am PST