Unleash Your Greatness Within

When it's time to perform, what is the right mindset? What do you say to yourself? Where should your focus be? Listen to Dr. Nate Zinsser as he discusses two different mindsets when its good to be self-critical and when it's not. Dr. Zinsser is the author of "The Confident Mind" and is the Director of West Point's Influential Performance-Psychology program. 
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/t52z4tznIwc
#natezinsser #mindset #personalgrowth #Motivation #performance

Direct download: Im-Enough-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 10:11am PST

What is greatness? How do you achieve greatness? Throughout history, there are common threads of people who have reached for the stars only to fall down, but they got back up and persevered. In this video and text, TJ Hoisington describes the tenants of greatness. What are the common threads and principles you can apply to unleash your greatness within? Discover your greatness with "A Discourse on Greatness."
#greatness #greatnesswithin #motivation #thoughtworthy #inspiration
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6lFgL-KvsX0

Direct download: Greatness2-YouTube-Final-audio.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 6:30am PST

As I've been watching the news about Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter, I realized there are some real-life lessons in leadership and company culture. One truth is that "leadership is mirrored throughout the organization." Elon Musk is shaping a new culture at Twitter. What does this culture look like? How will it be transformed? What are the patterns of effective leadership for ANY company when it comes to improving performance or changing a culture? in this video, I share a few of my thoughts related to leadership development, leadership skills, and what's the optimal balance between "accountability" and "warmth and empathy?" Company culture has a direct impact on employee engagement and retention. Let's roll! #elonmusk #elonmuskleadership #twitter #leadership #culture #greatnesswithin #meritocracy
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/DFQa2dYju7s

Direct download: Elon-Musk-Leadership-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 8:05am PST

Check out my latest podcast, "Success Interview," with Wylie McGraw. Wylie McGraw is a "Performance Accelerator." Wylie spent years as a professional baseball player, competitive bull rider, who served as a combat veteran in three wars (Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq) while leading soldiers in the most extreme situations. Today, Wylie helps high-profile and prominent people optimize their performance. In this interview, we talked about performance, taking responsibility, avoiding a victim mindset, and how to create your best life! Enjoy! #wyliemcgraw #highperformance #blame #victim #responsibility #motivation #greatnesswithin
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wQaoSUmwAqo

• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA

• Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/tjhoisington

• iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-unleash-your-greatness-wit-29110056/

• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/

• Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin

• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: McGraw-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 7:51am PST

Check out my latest podcast, "Success Interview," with Mauro Porcini. Mauro Porcini is the Chief Design Officer at PepsiCo. Mauro Porcini is the author of "The Human Side of Innovation: The Power of People In Love with People." In this interview, we talk specifics about leadership, innovation, culture, and the human side of innovation. Enjoy! #MauroPorcini #leadership #performance #innovation #greatnesswithin #love #culture
Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/NQh57ylWddw

Direct download: Mauro-Podcast-Final-2022.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 8:10am PST

What is terrain theory? In this video, during a "Success Interview" on the "Unleash Your Greatness Within" podcast with David Moscow. David Moscow is a film, producer and author. During our conversation, we discussed the importance of a healthy immune system. Jokingly, before this clip in the interview, David Moscow and TJ Hoisington talked about the importance of eating a spoonful of dirt once a week. We weren't being serious (haha), but rather making a point that being exposed to germs periodically may actually help our immune system be stronger. Listen and try to hear the message in the spirit it was given. #Health #Lifestyle #Immunesystem #Germs #Resilience
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/h726X6CGe4I

Direct download: Terrain-Podcast-Final_.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 6:36am PST

Here is PART TWO of my "Success Interview," with David Moscow. Spending two hours with the celebrity and filmmaker David Moscow was great! Wow! Time flew by in this interview as we talked about his upbringing – he started acting at eleven years old, and his debut film was in the movie “BIG” with Tom Hanks. We talked about food, travel, and his new book, “From Scratch: Adventures in Harvesting, Hunting, Fishing, and Foraging on a Fragile Planet.” David keeps it real and raw, and meaningful. I enjoyed the conversation, and I think you will, too! I've divided this podcast into TWO PARTS. This episode is part two. Enjoy!#davidmoscow #travel #fromscratch #personaldevelopment #happiness #food #enviroment
Watch on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/0uWS9nK7CiQ

Direct download: David-Part2-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 9:21am PST

Check out my latest podcast, "Success Interview," with David Moscow. Spending two hours with the celebrity and filmmaker David Moscow was a pleasure. Wow! Time flew by in this interview as we talked about his upbringing, food, travel, his new book, "From Scratch, and life! David keeps it real and raw, and meaningful. I enjoyed the conversation, and I think you will, too! We have divided this podcast into two parts. This episode is Part One. Enjoy! #davidmoscow #travel #fromscratch #personaldevelopment #happiness #food #enviroment
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/L7JPrxFtLJ4


Direct download: David-Part1-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 9:24am PST

Grandma Moses was a great example of someone who never gave up. She's an example of someone Who discovered it's never too late to achieve your dreams. In my book, "If You Think You Can!," I share the story of grandma Moses, who had to sacrifice her desire for painting for many years and then picked it up later in life, only to become known around the world as Grandma Moses. In this video, I share the life story of Grandma Moses. Enjoy!
#grandmamoses #painting #goals #itnevertolate #dreams
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/hlphePgiJZ4

Direct download: Grandma-Moses-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 8:06am PST

Let's talk about Elevated Leadership. There is a higher way to lead. In this podcast, "Success Interview," it was my privilege for a second time to interview Ryan Gottfredson. In this interview, we discuss all aspects of being the most effective leader. Discover the different mindsets and strategies required to become an influential leader. Ryan is the author of the new book, "The Elevated Leader." Enjoy. #RyanGottfredson #Leadership #LeadershipTraining #Influence #elevatedleader
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/PG2ho0FnIL4
Get Ryan’s book: https://ryangottfredson.com


Direct download: Elevation2-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 7:10am PST

Check out my latest podcast, "Success Interview," with Dr. Cindy McGovern. Cindy is a best-selling author, and it was a pleasure to talk about her new book, "SELL YOURSELF." Wow! In this interview, you will see/hear the energy and positive vibe that Cindy brings to the discussion. Trust me when I say that this interview is also thought-provoking. To get ahead in your career and life, you must be willing to sell yourself and do it authentically and without manipulation. In this interview, you will learn how to brand yourself effectively.
#SellYourself #Brand #PersonalDevelopment #Career #DreamJob #Motivation
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/sCLAK8uXYpY

• Learn more about Dr. Cindy McGovern: https://drcindy.com

• Get a copy of "Sell Yourself" wherever books are sold: https://www.sellyourselfbook.com

Thank you for watching this video! It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed. I hope you found value in this podcast episode. Please remember to like and share comments!

Direct download: Sell-Yourself-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 6:40am PST

Recently I was asked to be on a podcast with colleague and friend Fabrizio Poli. This podcast covers various subjects, starting with my story and life in the beginning years of building my business. We then move into a conversation about family, higher power, narcissism, kindness, and respect. Aligning with universal laws will give you the greatest chance of succeeding in life–both happiness and success.
#higherpower #identitycrisis #entrepreneur #socialism #personaldevelopment
If you would like to WATCH the interview, click this link: https://rumble.com/v1jf3d2-where-does-greatness-within-start.html

Direct download: Podcast-Fabrizio-2022.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 8:18am PST

Beliefs shape your destiny. Your beliefs drive your behavior. Your beliefs govern what you feel and experience in life. After doing some high-performance training at the automaker, Lexus, I went out to my car and had some additional thoughts about the "power of beliefs and "state of mind." I hope you find this helpful in your quest to unleash your greatness within! 
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3SpsWAmeLBM?
 #stateofmind #mindset #peakperformance #success #beliefs


Direct download: State-of-mind-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:53am PST

Do you worry? Do you stress? Consider the 18–40–60 rule. Reset: Stop Worrying! As a wise person once said, "most of the things we worry about never come to pass." Think BIG! #Worry #Overthinking #Anxiety #Thinkbig


Watch on YouTube: https://youtube.com/shorts/pYf-40a9mfM

Direct download: 18-40-60-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 1:10pm PST

Last night I was invited to speak on a Zoom call for my friend KC and @apricotsolar. I was asked to speak for 20 minutes - inspire and educate on the subject of success. I decided to share 5 habits that will change your life. At the end of my 20-minute presentation, we had a good conversation with the group. Enjoy.
#Achieve #IfYouThinkYouCan #Sales #HabitsOfSuccess #personaldevelopment
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/LbKPENQ09i0

Direct download: 5-Habits-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:00am PST

Each person has a belief system that governs performance and happiness. Unfortunately, people live beneath their potential, and now is the time to upgrade your internal operating system. Your internal operating system determines your effectiveness as a leader, manager, parent, teacher, etc. Any role that you play in life. When it comes to achievement, I call it: "A.O.S" (Achievers Operating System.

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Wyy9AsxJF-M
#SelfImage #Beliefs #InternalOperatingSystem #AOS #Success habits #mindset #leadership

Thank you for listening!

It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed. I hope you found value in this podcast episode. Please remember to like and share comments!


You can DOWNLOAD my podcast by clicking on the like below.


• Listen to my Top-Rated Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2Ut5Rmq


• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA


• iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-unleash-your-greatness-wit-29110056/


• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington



• Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin


• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: Operating_System-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 6:00am PST

How does a leader motivate team members? What does a leader do that inspires greatness? Recently, while training our curriculum titled "Leadership Academy," I shared a story involving the legendary Viktor Frankl, who wrote the book "Man's Search for Meaning." The Leadership Academy is taught to various audiences such as – future and upcoming leaders, managers, and executives. In this short clip, I share the ultimate leadership principle. Leaders who harness the message at the end of this audio clip, are the leaders who get it! These are the leaders who are liked and respected. Leadership is about the people, so what should Leaders do?
#leadership #leadershipacademy #viktorfrankl #purpose #leadershiptraining #beststrategies

Thank you for watching this video! It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed. I hope you found value in this podcast episode. Please remember to like and share comments! You can DOWNLOAD my podcast by clicking on the like below.

• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/vSV7yu9tsok

• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA

• iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-unleash-your-greatness-wit-29110056/

• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/

• Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin

• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog


Direct download: Viktor_Frankl-story-PODCAST.mp3
Category:business -- posted at: 9:42am PST

What is Conscience Leadership? Let me ask in a different way: what is exceptional and effective leadership? During my podcast interview with Dr. Demartini, we discussed several leadership strategies and ideas. I love THIS distinction! Take your leadership skills to the next level with “Conscience Leadership”!

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5Rmruw-p2dw


#Leadership #LeadershipCoaching #Respect #LeadWithHeart


Thank you for watching this video! It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed. I hope you found value in this podcast episode. Please remember to like and share comments!


You can DOWNLOAD my podcast by clicking on the like below.


• Listen to my Top-Rated Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2Ut5Rmq


• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA


• iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-unleash-your-greatness-wit-29110056/


• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington



• Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin


• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: Leadership_Concsience-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 10:29am PST

Keep Your Freedoms! This is what Benjamin Franklin admonished Eliza Powel after Benjamin Franklin walked out of the U.S. Constitutional Convention. Recently, I had the pleasure of having a historical conversation on my podcast with Michael Meyer – author of the book "Benjamin Franklin's Last Bet." May we never make light or lose sight of the inspiration the Founding Fathers had when organizing the United States of America. Fundamental freedoms are essential for one to fully Unleash the Greatness Within!

Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xl4TXRUYEV8


#BenjaminFranklin #Freedom #Liberty #History


Thank you for watching this video! It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed. I hope you found value in this podcast episode. Please remember to like and share comments! You can DOWNLOAD my podcast by clicking on the like below.


• Listen to my Top-Rated Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2Ut5Rmq


• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA


• iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/success-lessons-with-tj-hoisington-27622416/


• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/


• Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin


• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: Keep-Your-Freedom-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 9:54am PST

Achieving your goals and dreams requires you to master you're thinking. Learning how to control your thoughts is vital for living a fulfilling life. In this video, I share five habits to eliminating negative thinking. Everyone experiences negative thoughts that enter our minds. Learn how to overcome negative thinking in this video. Replace your negative thinking with more purposeful and positive thinking. Become the master of your destiny, starting with your thinking!
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/U9LKAehU08U

#eliminatenegativethinking #NegativeThinking #OvercomeNegativeThinking #Mindset #Motivation #Self-help #5habits

Direct download: Negative-Thinking-Podcast-Final-2022-2.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 9:35am PST

In this podcast episode, I had the privilege of interviewing author and consultant Jon Picoult. This interview explores how exceptional customer experience taps cognitive science and psychology-based strategies that leaders use to shape perceptions, shape cultures, and turn more sales prospects into customers. Jon is the author of "FROM IMPRESSED TO OBSESSED: 12 Principles for Turning Customers and Employees into Lifelong Fans." The strategies discussed during this interview can immediately transform your company. Jon states, "Building customer loyalty is as much about crafting people's experiences as it is about shaping their memories." Whether you are a leader or a customer service ambassador, the stories and principles shared during this interview will help you and your team maximize your customer service! 

• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3BJTg49g9wo

• I hope you found value in this podcast episode. Please remember to like and share comments!

• Listen to my Top-Rated Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2Ut5Rmq

• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA

• iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/success-lessons-with-tj-hoisington-27622416/

• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/

•Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin

• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: Jon-Picoult-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 8:43am PST

I often say, "True freedom comes from self-restraint. Desires and passions without self-discipline eventually lead to pain." In other words, is it possible that too much freedom without self-restraint can lead to future imprisonment? Isn't this what addictions do? When you are addicted, you give your "personal power" over to the addiction, and it becomes a never-ending cycle of control by external means. Self-restraint means that you have a vision for your life, a specific focus for your life, and because of this, you hold YOURSELF accountable for the results. Freedom and responsibility go hand-in-hand! Former Nazi concentration camp survivor and bestselling author Victor Frankl once said: "I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast." Freedom doesn't come from freedom; it comes from restraint and responsibility. Personal liberty comes from the discipline within the individual to not trade what they want for the moment for what they want long-term. This is how you gain more Personal Power and create high performance habits!
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/MD6wz9FgzIM


Direct download: personal-power-podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 9:04am PST

In this podcast episode, I had the privilege of interviewing best-selling author and professor Michael Meyer. Michael Meyer released his latest book on the history and immortal influence of Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin had an enormous vision for America and also prosperity. In Michael Meyer's new book, titled "Benjamin Franklin's Last Bet," we discuss a variety of topics from the legendary Benjamin Franklin. Learn the amazing true story of Benjamin Franklin's will and how it lives on today. Enjoy the conversation!

Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/IQ69P3Ys8LE


Direct download: Ben_Franklin-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:00am PST

There is a downside to being a perfectionist. It's great to want to do things well, which often leads to high achievement, but a corresponding limitation can limit happiness. This video shares some statistics and graphs to show you the balance between "self-improvement" and "self-acceptance." Sometimes, people get those two things confused, leading to dissatisfaction in work and life.

Research shows that the people who focus on "perfection" tend to perform lower. They live with more anxiety and tension, which shows up in their performance. Overcome your perfectionism by striving to be good, but don't demand it. As part of this video, I share a clip from my interview with Dr. Nate Zinsser. Be sure to watch the full interview.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/b1X3w5Q5jNc
#perfection #leadership #performance #balance #self-acceptance

Direct download: Perfection-TJ-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 9:10am PST

What are the habits of high achievers? During a motivational speech given to a group of entrepreneurs and highly motivated people, What are the habits of high achievers? During a motivational speech given to a group of entrepreneurs and highly motivated people, TJ shares what separates high achievers from low achievers: it has to do with the laws of success. In this video, TJ also shares a story about quitting his first job and then began studying the habits of high achievers. This was a pivot point. Watch the video and learn what it takes to be a high achiever.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/paTC2Sbwfgo


#highachiever #successhabits #slightedge #successfulpeople #lawsofsuccess



Direct download: Laws-of-Success-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 7:33am PST

You Can't fake confidence. Confidence is a learned trait. Sure, you can "fake it" momentarily, but it must be developed like a skill for sustained and authentic confidence and performance. As I interviewed Dr. Nate Zinsser, he reminded the listener that you must accept that you are "good enough" for that moment after much practice and preparation. Make it your focus to develop strong and unstoppable confidence. Believe in yourself and believe in your dreams! You've got what it takes!
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/h2wIiws0T2U

#natezinsser #confidence #confident #fakconfidence #performance

Category:self-help -- posted at: 8:26am PST

In this new podcast episode, TJ Hoisington had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Nate Zinsser, a leading expert on high performance. Dr. Zinsser is the author of "The Confident Mind" and is the Director of West Point's influential Performance-Psychology program. Additionally, Zinsser has coached world-class athletes, including a Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning, numerous Olympic medalists, NHL All-Stars, and college All-Americans, teaching them to overcome pressure and succeed on the world's biggest stages. During our interview, we discuss all facets of developing unshakeable confidence. You'll learn the attributes of the confident mind, how to build confidence, how to protect it, and how to rely upon it when your performance matters most. Take charge of your confidence, and you'll take charge of your destiny. Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/DkDZ-g2_8sk

#confidence #mindset #motivation #leadership #coachingTips

Direct download: Zinnser-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 4:55pm PST

As you set your goals, be sure to set them in alignment with your upper-most values. People experience pain because they work toward goals only to realize they are leaning their ladder against the wrong wall. If you want to be successful and happy, start with your values and build your goals around them. What do you want long-term?
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/18OfDaWG6qQ


Direct download: Values-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 11:34am PST

It’s up to you! TJ Hoisington and Sean Covey discuss relationship advice and the role you play in improving your relationships. TJ and Sean share personal family stories where once the paradigm was changed, the relationship changed for the better. All behavior comes down to your paradigms, and Stephen R Covey (Sean’s father) would teach. Take this to heart!
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/qko8YQDs6q0

Direct download: Paradigm-Podcast-2022-Final.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 12:20pm PST

As you set and strategize your goals and New Year's resolutions, there is one very important step not to be missed. Missing this step prevents people from making their goals and dreams a reality. Missing this step slows down effectiveness and sustainment. Keep this in mind, "Writing down goals without making a TRUE DECISION is DELUSION! Get started today! Despite all the confusion and contention in the world today and make 2022 your best year ever!
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6adQ5-Sysus


Direct download: True-Decision-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 12:42pm PST

One way to connect more with people is to smile more. In this video, I share an activity that I often do during my motivational speeches. It's called "smile football." Audiences around the world have enjoyed this metaphor. It's a way to get people out of their comfort zones while at the same time teaching principles and having fun at the same time. I also share the average number of smiles per day for children versus adults in this video. The number is staggering. Far too many adults have become programmed to live beneath their potential. I challenge you to smile more and see what happens around you.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/D7ebCNjU1Y8


Direct download: Smile1-Podcast.mp3
Category:self-help -- posted at: 8:34am PST