Unleash Your Greatness Within (Health & Fitness)

Start 2025 with momentum! In this inspiring episode, I sit down with Dan McCormick, co-author of Awakening Who I Am. We dive into the transformative power of affirmations—how to craft and use them to unlock your potential and achieve your goals and dreams. If you're ready to attract success and step into the best version of yourself, this conversation is for you!
#affirmations #manifest #goals

Thank you for listening to this episode!

It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA

iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/success-lessons-with-tj-hoisington-27622416/

If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/

Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin

Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington’s latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: Dan-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 7:00am PST

When I was 14, my father told my brother and me that he had arranged a job for us. He didn’t reveal where or what it was until we arrived at the location. Much to our surprise (and disappointment), we pulled up to a Waste Management facility. That experience left a lasting impact on me, shaping my perspective on what to aim for in life. It ended up being the shortest job I ever had!

Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/rV5T_qAbtnk

#garbageking #Thinkbig #Motivation #ThursdayThoughts #firstjob

Direct download: Garbage1-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 3:00pm PST

Wow! I feel amazing! Almost euphoric! After hearing Dana White talk about an 86 hour water fast, I made a true decision to do it! What I didn’t realize is how good I would feel, how much energy I would have, how much clarity of mind, and zero hunger going beyond four days. In the end, I fasted for 11 days and I’ve never felt better. My body is reset! In this video, I take you through the whole process. It’s a comprehensive documentary on my experience each day going without food. Learn what I learned through the process. You will be amazed!

#fasting #waterfast #health #danawhite #garybrecka

Watch FULL Documentary: https://youtu.be/MmjJn7uucWE

Direct download: Fasting-Podcast-Final2.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 10:05am PST

Recently, I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Patrick Snow podcast, part of the "Patrick and Mary Unstoppable Author Interview Series." Patrick and I have known each other for over 20 years, and he played a pivotal role in helping me navigate the process of getting If You Think You Can! published. In this interview, we delve into my personal journey, share my philosophies, and discuss the principles of high performance and success. It was an enjoyable conversation, and I’m confident you’ll find it thought-provoking. Enjoy!
#motivation #inspiration #personaldevelopment


Thank you for listening to this episode! It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed.

You can DOWNLOAD my podcast by clicking on the like below. Listen to my Top-Rated Podcast on Apple iTunes: https://apple.co/2Ut5Rmq

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA

iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/success-lessons-with-tj-hoisington-27622416/

If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/ Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin

Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington’s latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: Patrick-Podcast-Final_.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 8:47am PST

Are you considering marriage, already married, or perhaps navigating parenthood? Here's some invaluable advice.

Twenty-six years ago, at the onset of my marriage with Danielle, we made a pact to eliminate THREE WORDS from our vocabulary. These words were not just discouraged but deemed detrimental as we made goals about our relationships and family culture. They were not only discouraged; they were considered a curse word in our home and continue to be so today!

Watch Video: https://youtu.be/qrh_Pwc_5VA

So, what are these three words?

• DIVORCE: We banished discussions of separation or incompatibility, fostering a commitment to resolve issues together.

• DEPRESSED: We opted for proactive language to address feelings of sadness or despair, emphasizing communication and seeking support.

• "CAN'T": This word, implying limitation, was replaced with empowering alternatives like "won't," "I'm not interested," or "I don't know how yet."

While we strictly adhered to the first two, occasional slips with "can't" prompted swift reminders from each other, reinforcing our language discipline with a touch of humor.

What's the significance?

Words are not just words; they hold power to shape our emotions and actions. Our mantra became clear: "WORDS trigger EMOTIONS, which trigger ACTIONS."

Here's some advice: Consider the words you choose, for they shape your reality. Instead of "can't," explore phrases like "won't" or "I'm learning how to."

Whenever you utter "can't," you limit your potential and hinder progress. By reframing your language, you open doors to possibility and growth.

Remember, don't speak it if you don't want it to become your reality.

Believe in the power of your words. Your words WILL sculpt your destiny positively or negatively.
#Believe #WordsHavePower #MasterYourThinking #Depression #Motivation

Direct download: 3words-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 10:19am PST

Join us for an inspiring conversation with Fabian Bello, the CEO of Journey Aviation and the brilliant author of "reMade In America: An Immigrant's Journey to the American Dream." From his early days, when his parents fled Cuba with him at the tender age of two, Fabian's life has been a testament to resilience and ambition. In this interview, we dive deep into his incredible journey and explore what the American dream truly looks like today—and how YOU can achieve it! We also tackle some of today's most pressing and provocative topics: Cancel Culture, Privilege, and Victimhood. Fabian shares his insights on what it really takes to reach your highest aspirations and live a life of fulfillment and success. Don't miss this powerful and motivating discussion! Hit play and get ready to unleash your greatness within! Enjoy the interview! #fabianbello #immigration #success #motivation

Watch Video: https://youtu.be/sT2VjGwxVrU

Direct download: Fabian-Podcast3-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 6:05am PST

Your words predict your performance. Internally or externally, the words you choose shape your destiny. But how can you harness the power of words to manifest your dream life? This video explores the transformative power of language, showing you how to use your words proactively to attract what you seek and dwell upon. Choose your words wisely and watch as they manifest your desired reality. Have you experienced the power of your words in shaping your life? Share your story in the comments below! #manifest #wordsmatter #goals #lawofattaction 
Watch on Youtube:

Direct download: Words-Podcast-Final-2024.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 12:09pm PST

Unlock the keys to success and fulfillment with two life-changing quotes that have profoundly impacted my life. Join me as I delve into the wisdom of George Lucas, the visionary behind Star Wars, and David O. McKay, a revered religious leader. These timeless principles transcend boundaries and promise both achievement and peace. Don't miss the opportunity to incorporate these principles into your life. Watch now and ignite the greatness within you. #GeorgeLucas #Possibility #Believe #Family #GreatnessWithin

Watch video: https://youtu.be/UGtC7VZWyqA

Thank you for watching this video! It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed. I hope you found value in this podcast episode. Please remember to like and share comments!

Direct download: 2-Quotes-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 7:15am PST

Let's explore the transformative power of words. Sitting in my hotel room, I share a personal story that changed my life when I was in the 8th grade. This simple shift in the way you communicate internally can change your life! #wordsmatter #mindset #Thinkbig

Thank you for listening to this message! It's my passion to inspire and empower people to succeed. I hope you found value in this podcast episode. Please remember to like and share comments!

If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington


Subscribe to My YouTube Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin


Direct download: Eliminte-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 10:25am PST

Are you stressed? Are you overwhelmed? How you perceive your experiences is EVERYTHING when it comes to happiness, peace and fulfillment. In this message I share these three steps that can put you in charge of each experience or circumstance. You can have control. Check out the difference between an optimist and a pessimist. You can strategically use these three focuses or thought patterns to change any experience. Learn these thought patterns, discovered by Martin Segliman, and hack your mindset to think more effectively.

#Mindset # #GreatnessWithin #Optimist #Pessimist #Perceptions
Watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/xoFJ5W1LKKE

Direct download: PPP-Seligman2-Podcast-2024_.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 10:11am PST

Who are you blaming? What are you blaming? Who are you blaming for the discontent in your life? Are you blaming your mom or your dad? Are you blaming a colleague or a leader? The only thin blame creates is does is negativity and self-imposed isolation. During my interview with @GaryJohnBishop, Gary shared the moment he stopped blaming his mom for his misfortunes. Insightful story. Turn you blame into gratitude is one of the secrets to taking chage of your life! #stopblaming Elevate your life! #TakeResponsibility #OwnIt  #unleashyourgreatnesswithin

You can DOWNLOAD my podcast by clicking on the like below.

• Listen to my Top-Rated Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2Ut5Rmq

• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA

• Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/tjhoisington

• iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-unleash-your-greatness-wit-29110056/

• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/

• Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin

• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: Blame-Podcast-2024.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 9:24am PST

Ready to unlock the secrets of self-love, happiness, and authentic living? Dive into our transformative interview with 'Your Pocket Therapist,' Dr. Annie Zimmerman, on the "Unleash Your Greatness Within" podcast! Discover the driving forces behind human behavior and pain, and learn what 'self-love' truly means. Plus, find out how to banish loneliness and embrace a happier, more authentic life. This is your chance to transform your mental well-being! With millions of followers and content views on social media, Dr. Annie Zimmerman is your go-to guide for mental well-being. Join the millions who have already transformed their lives with Dr. Annie Zimmerman's wisdom.
#MentalHealthMatters #SelfLove #YourPocketTherapist #selfhelp

You can DOWNLOAD my podcast by clicking on the like below.

• Listen to my Top-Rated Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2Ut5Rmq

• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA

• Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/tjhoisington • iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-unleash-your-greatness-wit-29110056/

• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/

• Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin

• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: Therapist-01-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 7:03am PST

When it's time to perform, what is the right mindset? What do you say to yourself? Where should your focus be? Listen to Dr. Nate Zinsser as he discusses two different mindsets when its good to be self-critical and when it's not. Dr. Zinsser is the author of "The Confident Mind" and is the Director of West Point's Influential Performance-Psychology program. 
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/t52z4tznIwc
#natezinsser #mindset #personalgrowth #Motivation #performance

Direct download: Im-Enough-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 10:11am PST

What is greatness? How do you achieve greatness? Throughout history, there are common threads of people who have reached for the stars only to fall down, but they got back up and persevered. In this video and text, TJ Hoisington describes the tenants of greatness. What are the common threads and principles you can apply to unleash your greatness within? Discover your greatness with "A Discourse on Greatness."
#greatness #greatnesswithin #motivation #thoughtworthy #inspiration
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6lFgL-KvsX0

Direct download: Greatness2-YouTube-Final-audio.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 6:30am PST

Check out my latest podcast, "Success Interview," with Wylie McGraw. Wylie McGraw is a "Performance Accelerator." Wylie spent years as a professional baseball player, competitive bull rider, who served as a combat veteran in three wars (Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq) while leading soldiers in the most extreme situations. Today, Wylie helps high-profile and prominent people optimize their performance. In this interview, we talked about performance, taking responsibility, avoiding a victim mindset, and how to create your best life! Enjoy! #wyliemcgraw #highperformance #blame #victim #responsibility #motivation #greatnesswithin
• Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wQaoSUmwAqo

• Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0tmlkOaDpoL8EUYqzYAkZm?si=APHHuwvxRN6tydatGKN_aA

• Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/tjhoisington

• iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-unleash-your-greatness-wit-29110056/

• If there is a subject that you would like me to speak or train on, DM me: Instagram @tjhoisington https://www.instagram.com/tjhoisington/

• Subscribe to My Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/greatnesswithin

• Make sure to stay tuned for TJ Hoisington's latest BLOG post! https://www.greatnesswithin.com/blog

Direct download: McGraw-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 7:51am PST

What is terrain theory? In this video, during a "Success Interview" on the "Unleash Your Greatness Within" podcast with David Moscow. David Moscow is a film, producer and author. During our conversation, we discussed the importance of a healthy immune system. Jokingly, before this clip in the interview, David Moscow and TJ Hoisington talked about the importance of eating a spoonful of dirt once a week. We weren't being serious (haha), but rather making a point that being exposed to germs periodically may actually help our immune system be stronger. Listen and try to hear the message in the spirit it was given. #Health #Lifestyle #Immunesystem #Germs #Resilience
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/h726X6CGe4I

Direct download: Terrain-Podcast-Final_.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 6:36am PST

Here is PART TWO of my "Success Interview," with David Moscow. Spending two hours with the celebrity and filmmaker David Moscow was great! Wow! Time flew by in this interview as we talked about his upbringing – he started acting at eleven years old, and his debut film was in the movie “BIG” with Tom Hanks. We talked about food, travel, and his new book, “From Scratch: Adventures in Harvesting, Hunting, Fishing, and Foraging on a Fragile Planet.” David keeps it real and raw, and meaningful. I enjoyed the conversation, and I think you will, too! I've divided this podcast into TWO PARTS. This episode is part two. Enjoy!#davidmoscow #travel #fromscratch #personaldevelopment #happiness #food #enviroment
Watch on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/0uWS9nK7CiQ

Direct download: David-Part2-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 9:21am PST

Check out my latest podcast, "Success Interview," with David Moscow. Spending two hours with the celebrity and filmmaker David Moscow was a pleasure. Wow! Time flew by in this interview as we talked about his upbringing, food, travel, his new book, "From Scratch, and life! David keeps it real and raw, and meaningful. I enjoyed the conversation, and I think you will, too! We have divided this podcast into two parts. This episode is Part One. Enjoy! #davidmoscow #travel #fromscratch #personaldevelopment #happiness #food #enviroment
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/L7JPrxFtLJ4


Direct download: David-Part1-Podcast-Final.mp3
Category:Health & Fitness -- posted at: 9:24am PST